Okay, for everyone who doesn't really look around to see when things are happening, i'll do a small update. I'm only going to cover a few things, so feel free to add more things by commenting to get members aware of events/tournaments/ect..
Pikachu-colored-pichu event at gamestop:
Well many of you probably have hacked versions or have already gotten it by trading, but now its time you can get one by yourself
. Just go to gamestop with your ds with plat/diamond/pearl and get the pichu from mystery gift...then get it from teh pokemart..then trade it to hg/ss when it comes out to unlock the spikey-eared pichu. That's basically it
OHHH I FORGOT. The event is from Jan 30 to Feb 14.
Now sure if the event will be out of the us? If it is, it will be later .
Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver release:
Okay so if you own an R4...or ordered it from Japan, then no need to read this. But the games are being released March 14 oficially at whereever they sell your video games. For me, target or gamestop would probably be my best bet. ANYWAYS. Gamestop lets your preorder the games now if you're interested. Doing so will let you get a little...figure depending on what game you pre order. (lugia or ho-oh). Oh, and the games will be coming with the pokewalker of course. Much like firered and leafgreen came with the wireless thing
UGHHH ***** im sick of editing. xD. Games will be 39.99 in the US.
Pokemon Generation 5!!!!!.
Yes, FINALLY. Remakes are cool, but new generations are way cooler. ANyways, I stumbled upon this http://serebii.net/generation5/ and got excited. Yup, so expect that mysterious pokemon to be released this month, or early next. Then, we should start seeing rumors..screen shots...blah blah blah which will then follow to the actual new gen 5 games
Okay, that was really quick and there are probably like 69 typos. I probably missed a lot of info too, but as long as you guys know what is going on, you can google the rest